Sample Agreement between Parent Company and Subsidiary


    When a parent company establishes a subsidiary, it is essential to have a clear and concise agreement in place. A sample agreement between a parent company and subsidiary can provide a framework for the responsibilities and obligations of each entity. This agreement can help ensure that both parties understand their roles, responsibilities, and expectations, ultimately leading to a more productive and successful relationship.

    The following is an example of a basic agreement between a parent company and subsidiary:

    1. Purpose: This section outlines the purpose of the agreement, which is typically to establish a relationship between the parent company and the subsidiary.

    2. Definitions: This section defines key terms used throughout the agreement, such as “parent company” and “subsidiary.” Clear definitions help ensure that both parties understand the terms of the agreement.

    3. Scope of the Agreement: This section outlines the scope of the agreement and identifies the areas of responsibility of each party. Typically, the parent company will have overall control, while the subsidiary will be responsible for day-to-day operations.

    4. Governance: This section outlines the governance structure for the subsidiary. It may include provisions for the appointment of directors or a board of directors, the formation of committees, and the decision-making process.

    5. Management: This section outlines the roles and responsibilities of the management team of the subsidiary. It may include provisions for the appointment of key personnel, such as a CEO or CFO, and the delegation of responsibilities.

    6. Financial Provisions: This section outlines the financial arrangements between the parent company and the subsidiary. It may include provisions for funding, investment, and profit distribution.

    7. Reporting and Review: This section outlines the reporting requirements for the subsidiary, such as financial reporting and operational reporting. It may also include provisions for reviews and audits.

    8. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property: This section outlines the provisions for confidentiality and intellectual property protection. It may include provisions for the protection of trade secrets, patents, and trademarks.

    9. Term and Termination: This section outlines the term of the agreement and the provisions for termination. It may include provisions for early termination, renewal, or extension.

    10. General Provisions: This section includes standard legal boilerplate language, such as choice of law, assignment, and notice provisions.

    In conclusion, a clear and concise agreement between a parent company and subsidiary is critical for the success of the relationship. By using a sample agreement as a framework, both parties can ensure that their roles, responsibilities, and expectations are clearly outlined and understood.