Sample Request Letter to Extend Employment Contract


    If you`re looking for a sample request letter to extend your employment contract, look no further. An employment contract extension letter is a formal document requesting that your employer extend your contract for additional time. It`s important to get this letter right because it can be a deciding factor in whether your employer agrees to extend your contract or not. Here are some tips and a sample letter to help you get started.

    Tips for Writing a Request Letter to Extend Employment Contract:

    1. Be professional: Your request letter should be written in a professional and formal tone. Avoid using slang, jargon or any informal language.

    2. Explain your reasons: Explain why you want to extend your contract and what it will mean for you, your employer, and the company. Try to be as specific as possible.

    3. Provide evidence: Provide evidence to support your request, such as your job performance, accomplishments, or any projects you have been working on that require additional time to complete.

    4. Be concise: Keep your letter brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details and stick to the important information.

    5. Be positive: Use positive language throughout your letter. Express your willingness to continue working with the company and your eagerness to contribute to its success.

    Sample Request Letter to Extend Employment Contract:

    [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Date] [Employer`s Name] [Employer`s Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

    Dear [Employer`s Name],

    I am writing to request an extension of my employment contract, which is set to expire on [contract end date]. I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to work with [Company Name] and would like to continue doing so for an additional [number of months/years].

    I have been with the company for [length of time] and have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. During my tenure, I have [list your accomplishments and contributions]. Based on this, I believe that I can continue to make significant contributions to the company`s success.

    I am aware that the company may have concerns about extending my contract. However, I would like to assure you that I am committed to the company`s mission and objectives. As an experienced and highly skilled member of the team, I believe that I can make a valuable contribution.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon about the status of my request. Thank you for considering my request.


    [Your Name]

    In conclusion, writing a request letter to extend your employment contract can be a daunting task, but with the tips and sample letter provided above, you can draft a compelling letter that increases your chances of getting an extension. Remember to be concise, professional, and positive, and use evidence to support your case. Good luck!