Withdrawal Agreement Who Is Covered


    The Withdrawal Agreement Who is Covered: Understanding the UK-EU Relationship After Brexit

    The Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and the EU defines the terms of their relationship after Brexit. It lays out the framework for the UK’s departure from the EU and the transition period that followed until December 31, 2020. But who is covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, and what does it mean for them?

    The Withdrawal Agreement covers three main groups of people:

    1. EU citizens living in the UK

    2. UK nationals living in the EU

    3. Their family members

    The agreement secures the rights of those affected by the UK’s departure from the EU. It outlines the terms for residency, social security, healthcare, and other important issues.

    For EU citizens living in the UK, the Withdrawal Agreement ensures that they can continue to live and work in the UK without the need for a visa or work permit. They also retain the right to access healthcare, pensions, and other benefits.

    UK nationals living in the EU are also protected by the Withdrawal Agreement. They can continue to live and work in their EU country of residence, and their rights to access healthcare, pensions, and other benefits are guaranteed.

    The Withdrawal Agreement also covers family members of both groups. This includes spouses, civil partners, children, grandchildren, and dependent parents or grandparents. Family members who join their EU citizen or UK national relatives after December 31, 2020, may face different rules.

    It is important to note that the Withdrawal Agreement only covers those who were living in the UK or the EU before December 31, 2020. Those who arrived after this date will need to comply with new immigration rules.

    While the Withdrawal Agreement provides much-needed assurance for those affected by the UK’s departure from the EU, it is only a temporary measure. The transition period ended on December 31, 2020, and negotiations between the UK and the EU regarding their future relationship are ongoing.

    In conclusion, the Withdrawal Agreement provides critical protection for EU citizens living in the UK, UK nationals living in the EU, and their family members. It ensures that their rights to live, work, and access essential services are maintained. However, it is essential to stay up-to-date with developments in the ongoing negotiations between the UK and the EU to understand what the future holds beyond the Withdrawal Agreement.