While preparing for Interview a fear of probable questions always exists, I am sharing herewith few Important Questions which are asked in most of the Interviews. You can visit following link for various Important and Usual Questions asked in Interview
Role and Responsibility of Medical Representatives
1. What is Job of Medical Representative?
Amongst various responsibilities the key responsibility of Medical Representative is to Generate Rx
Other Important Jobs are
- 100% Customer Coverage
- Regular RCPA
- Achievement of Target through Rx Generation
- Dr. Conversion.
- Retail/Dispensing POB
- Timely Submission of DCR & Feedback.
2. Which is your best selling product? Detail
Here you need to pick your product on which you have the best control, Detail, use Key USPs, Position properly in defined indication, and don’t forget to demand Rx.
3. Few Important terms to remember
Antibiotics/Antibacterial/Antifungal/Antiviral/Antiprotozoal/Anithelminthetic/Cardiac/Diabetic/Gynec/Infertility/Dermatology etc based on the profile/Product range of Company.
4. What are the different Systems of Body and their Functions?
Please remember all Body Systems Organs in Each system and Their function, This is the very common and must-ask question in any Interview of Medical Representative. Based on the specialty of Company Prepare the following:
- The system involved in Depth eg Cardio Diabetic
- Various Therapeutic Segment/Drugs used eg. Beta-blockers, Statins, Antiarrhythmics
5. Which are the Major drugs used and Their Competitors?
- Major Competitors eg Amlopin/Amlokind/Amlogard/Amlocard etc for Amlodipine, Knowing the MRP with the name of the company is an added advantage.
6. Dose and Dosages of Your Products
Must remember The correct dose and dosing schedule of not only your products but their products also this information you can gather while researching the company in the market or on web.
7. How Do you Plan your Day?
Highlight key preparations before the start of Fieldwork/During Fieldwork and After Fieldwork i.e
- Preparing the Work Plan of the day (usually predefined Patch),
- Arranging samples and Inputs in a working bag per to call schedule. During Fieldwork RCPA before any call, to Identify and Quantify Rx trend.
- Detailing and Brand presentation as per the choice of Indications by Dr,
- Finish the day with meeting Stockists, POB Executions, DCR/feedback submission and
- Analyzing your day’s achievements/failures.
8. What is your call average? (Dr’s & Chemists)
Always remember this question depicts your sincerity and involvement towards Job. Call average below the predefined norm/strategy directly impacts the business adversely.
9. Tell us the Names of 10 Important/Top Physicians/Gynecs/Ortho/Cardio/etc depending on the Specialty of the company
Here you must be aware of Top Dr’s in terms of No. of patients/day in Your territory. List all Doctors of specialty in which the company is focused ex. GP/CP/Cardio/Gynec.
10. What are your strengths & weakness?
A very tricky question, remember no one will Hire you for your weakness, any interviewer is in search of strengths that can help to perform the job efficiently. Always frame your answer based on your market research about the company, their requirements, and Expectations, Share a few tangible weaknesses which you can overcome, and share your plan/actions you are doing to overcome these weaknesses. This further strengthens your Competence/Capabilities.
11. What are the important steps you need to take to convert a Dr?
Here the interviewer wants to understand your orientation and the process you follow to convert Doctors, this also defines your determination for the Job.
Dr. Conversion starts from
- Accurate survey
- Selection of Product/Brand
- Effective Sales Presentation
- Product availability
- Follow-ups.
One of the most critical parts of conversion is How you Position your brand in Doctor’s mind, and Effective you are in understanding his prescription Habits and shaping your communication in accordance.
12. What is the importance of Missed calls?
Always remember, A missed call is Missed Opportunity, Missing 1 Call means you left the space for a competitor to occupy, and once a Converted Dr is lost, usually, it is lost forever. The second most important aspect is Missed Dr’s for 2 or more than 2 visits… This is surely a loss of customers forever.
13. How many Doctors are known to you? How many Doctors know you? Who are those?
The objective of this question is how involved you are in your Job, and Can the company be benefitted from your current market standing? Another most important part to evaluate is your Interpersonal skills or Relationship management.
14. What are the important steps you will take for the successful launch of the new product?
It starts with
- Understanding the Product(Product Knowledge) its USPs, Indications, and Strategies in the Launch meeting.
- Preparing sales presentation/Detailing for Effective Communication (Sharpening your Axe before cutting a tree)
- Selection of Target Doctors, Revalidating your selection through proper RCPA.
- Making Products available at leading Retailers and Retailers nearby targeted Doctors.
- 100% Execution of Launch strategies eg Teasers or Mailers/ Literatures/Scientific Communications, etc.
- Effective and Regular Follow-ups until the Doctor becomes Regular Prescriber.
15. How can you control Expiries?
Expiries are not only a loss to the organization you are working for but also national wastage/loss. To curb expiry following Actions are needed.
- Checking at the retailer’s shelf while you meet him
- Checking at stockist shelf
- Making liquidation plan through POB/Dispensing if at stockists and reaching out to nearby Doctors to prescribe for liquidation when at retailers.
- Stock shifting to other locations/Retailers where they can be liquidated immediately.
- Seeking the help of seniors.
16. How do you ensure ROI from sponsored Doctors?
Nowadays by one or other means companies are investing in their KOLs or other important Doctors, these investments may not be in Cash or kind but many times as services also. Major Actions needed at your end are
- Regular follow-ups
- Tracking the value of Business Generated.
- Planning calls of such customers during Joint work.
- Regularly updating customers also on Business Generated.
- Tracking our Rx trend v/s Competitors through intensive RCPA and Reports from stockists.
17. How do you plan to liquidate a near-expiry non-moving product?
The following are the Actions
- Revisiting CVL/DVL for shortlisting customers (Doctors/Chemists) where these products can be liquidated.
- Planning their visit for liquidation of these products.
- Requesting Doctors/Chemists known well to me or with whom I enjoy good rapport to liquidate these products.
- Distribute products to more number of outlets than to limited numbers with higher quantities.
- Regular follow-ups for a status update on Liquidation and Taking Corrective Actions.
18. If one of the Major contributing products is out of stock, how would you achieve your target?
Always be ready for Business exigencies, following plan can be shared
- Planning Gap coverage by 2nd best-performing product OR
- Distributing value burden on all priority products/brands.
- Focusing on POB/Dispensing products that can be liquidated with little extra effort.
- Increase no and value of POB & Dispensing Coverage throughout the month, This is over and above the regular fieldwork.
19. How do you see your trade associations? What is their role?
This is a very important question that needs a balanced reply, neither can you condemn associations/Unions working for Employee benefits nor you can defend them as many of their policies are against the work norms/Ethics or promote non-working culture.
Always be balanced and state.
Yes, they play a role but they are needed only when I am wrong and still need defense If I am working as per the company’s norms and process, I am sure I will never require the help of these unions because no company wants to lose a good employee. My carrier and Its Growth are always proportionate to my effective and dedicated fieldwork and sincerity towards the organization giving me my piece of cake.
20. What do you expect from Your Seniors or Managers?
My expectations are a career guide and a Mentor from my seniors and managers. I expect them to correct me when I am wrong, and scold me when it is needed.
The following are specific professional expectations.
- Help in Understanding Job Responsibilities
- Help in executing the core responsibility of Doctor Conversion.
- Impart scientific and Product knowledge.
- Help me in developing for level next.
- Be a Mentor Coach and Guide.
“Interview is kind of overhauling of your knowledge and competence to perform your Job Better”
Read Most Important Questions in Any Interview Click Here